Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Seriously! I have been trying to get back to blogging for, well like forever. And now it finally works.

Spent most of the day the day in a loss pervention seminar from work where I got to retell on of my great LP stories:

About 2 years into working at Lewis & Clark I had a girl come in and ask me if we had a particular book in stock. I went to great pains to find her a copy. Which she proceeded to walk out of the store with. SO I went up to the cashier and asked her if the girl that I had just assisted had bought anything besides the book and the cashier said, she didn't buy a book!! The girl walked right out of the GD store with the book!!!
So I called campus safety and filed a report and I got the girl in trouble with the school.... problem with the internal management of shop lifting on a college campus, they are given community service (ok so here comes the best part) she is told that she must apologize to the bookstore staff, ie me, at which time she asks me if she can do her community service... IN THE BOOKSTORE!!

That's my funny story for the day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Water Delivery

Dave's sponsor added a gallon of water a day to his program. So I ordered water delivery. I have already been buying water at Costco, because the water here in San Jose is, well, toxic (it comes out of the tap cloudy!). So today the water guy came (James I think you and he were separated at birth), and since he set me up I have had about 80 oz of water! The only part that is frustrating is that I still feel like I could eat... I thought the whole point of water in a diet is to make you feel full so you don't want to eat. Oh well. I think I'm going to run out and do some errands so that I can get over the stupid, breakfast - lunch hump.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I am slowly going crazy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 switch....

Crazy going slowly am I 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 switch....

Here in the land of the skinny minnie I have been put on hormones by my OBGYN to get my body to behave in a normal female way. The first time she only put me on one brand, just trying to give my factory a swift kick in the behind and get... for lack of a better analogy, the lights turned back on. Well, that didn't work. So I went back and now, for the last almost 20 days I have been on 2 different hormones that are designed, to while working together, make my body think that my endocrine system is working properly and send me into regular monthly cycle....

I have 2 emotions right now, neither of which I am all that comfortable with... raging bitch, or emotional basketcase. Either way I think Dave wants to move to another country right now. There is absolutely NOTHING he can say or do that doesn't either make me cry or scream. Poor Dave doesn't know what to do because, everything seems to set me off and I really don't know what to do about it.

Now, as some of you know these hormones are also reeking major havoc on my FA program. I have (as of today) 6 days of abstinence (no flour or sugar, no snacking, weighing and measuring all of my food), because I went on a bender (for lack of a better term). I ate whatever (within the confines of "abstinent food") I wanted, whenever I wanted for almost 2 weeks. This is after trying (and succeeding) to quit smoking caused me to eat 3 lbs of cheese (Insert laughter here) back in February caused me to loose my 10 months of back to back abstinence. So I had 10 months, then I had about a month and a half, and now I have less than a week! GRR.

All of this drama is in the pursuit of having a family and it is a very noble cause for which we are both willing to get a little dirty, but seriously, I just want to go back to having one emotion, "whatever". My life was so much easier when my response to everything in life was, "whatever". (Dave is shaking his head)

I don't want life to be boring or mundane, but simple and easy would sure be nice. I will keep you posted on the TTC front. I will also make sure that these posts are clearly marked with such tell tale signs as TTC (trying to conceive), TMI (maybe too much information), TMFI (too much effing information).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our Anniversary Celebration 2009 -- First Year down many more to come.

For our 1st wedding anniversary Dave and I decided to drive down the coast a little ways to Santa Cruz, and then loop back through Monterey to get back home.  for those of you that don't know, Santa Cruz and Monterey are 2 beach communities that share a bay south of San Francisco about an hour and a half.  
We had a lot of fun.  In Santa Cruz we walked the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, a standard fair type of boardwalk, with concession stands, rides, and arcades. As we walked, we decided that it is way more fun as a kid, and we probably will not go back until we have kids at the age that can enjoy it.  One major thing we noticed was that there is so much friggin' junk food there.  It's incredible! They have an entire stand dedicated to deep fried twinkies!  It's funny how you don't things, until you are trying not to notice then, because as a kid I don't remember every other booth being  full of junk food, but I sure do notice it now! And the smells, wow, it just reeked of sugary sweetness.  We only stayed there for about an hour, but before we left we did do one of those photo booth thingys, so we now have one of those strips of pictures that we can sock away somewhere and show our kids when they are like 10 what Mommy and Daddy were like before they became a bunch of fuddy-duddies.  
In Monterey we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the sea otters (my favorite aquatic creatures) were disappointingly boring but the river otters tried their very best to make it up to me.  Dave seemed to the most fascinated with the octopi.  In fact I kind of had to pull him away, just just kept looking at them going, that looks tasty (j/k, sort of...).  We left there about 4 to have a late lunch, and we found a cute little place on Fisherman's Wharf that suited out food plan.  We even asked when we got there if they had food we could eat and the head chef came out to talk to us.  We were sold, too bad we got such a crummy waiter though, otherwise I would have highly suggested the place.  The waiter didn't hear Dave when he said we will have 2 of the same thing, so he brought us one, and thought we were going to share it.  So I ate the first salad as Dave ate the first entree and then, when the second salad and entree came out, we switched! No major harm done, just annoying is all.  
We had walked from Cannery Row to Fisherman's Wharf (about a mile and a half on this cute little foot path). As we were walking there we were commenting on how nice a day it had turned out to be (though it was a bit chilly), and how we had really lucked out that the weather had held all day. And then, knock on wood here, we walked back to the car, a mile and a half, in the pouring down rain, in the dark.  
This was the greatest way I could have imagined spending my first anniversary with Prince Charming... seeing as I had never made any plans to celebrate at all.  It was just so nice to get away and spend the day holding hands and exploring.   

Friday, January 30, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Got to love your annual man.  Nothing like being violated 10 ways to Sunday to remind you that no guy has the right to bitch about "please turn your head and cough".  
I got poked, I got prodded and today, probably for the first time ever, when a doctor said, "you need to quit, now." I heard it.  I'm not quitting tomorrow, and the next day doesn't look good either... I will keep you posted.  Please, let me come to you. I just wanted you to know that for the first time, since the last time I said, I'm going to quit, and did... I am going to quit, and I am making a plan to quit, I'm picking a day (no, I'm not going to tell you what day, not right now), and I am going to give it a try. I even found a website (they really do have one for everything, don't they?)! 
The other thing was she is running about 19 thousand tests.  I had to go to the phlebotomist and everything! Nothing is wrong, she just wants to make sure that all of my chemicals are ok seeing as I have lost so much weight. She said that the whole no period thing for 3 months is to be expected with rapid weight-loss, especially as I lost so much between going off the pill and losing my period (4 months, about 45 lbs). 
Oh!! And when they weighed me, fully dressed and right after I finished my lunch(!) I was 167! That makes me like 162 naked and empty stomached!! WOOT!

(Dave isn't quitting right now, please don't hound him, he will in time...)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

House Addicts

Here we sit on a Saturday afternoon, not to say we haven't been doing stuff, but we have also been watching episode after episode of House because we DVR it and truly love it!
I have watched this one particular episode more than once and am so impressed with the quality of this show.  I know that sounds stupid, but there is so much junk on TV these days, and I think it's great.  
BUT there is one side-effect to loving doctor shows.  An actual study has been done on this, and you might find it fascinating.  Those who watch (and follow regularly) medical-themed shows have a higher rate of fearing doctors... does that sound familiar to you... THAT'S ME!!! I hate doctors, and I don't want to go (mostly because I fear that I will have some terrible, incurable ailment that with change the way I live my life for the rest of my life). I know that I have to, but... I think that I would rather be sick, and just get better on my own, than have someone tell me what they think is wrong with me.
I have a doctor's appointment on the 29th.  Joy.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Job #2

Hello everybody!
So, on Monday I went back to BN as a temporary employee at West Valley to help out with their internet orders and help get them ready for rush.
Then this morning I had an interview at a temp agency at 7:30 am! REALLY friggin early. And before I left I had my first assignment.  I am a receptionist/accounts/etc at a place called The Academy of Self Defense.  This place is so cool!  The are a fight school where they specialize in  Krav Maga and mixed martial arts.  My perk, free classes!  So cool. And the staff is so nice.  Biggest concern? I am there to save face for my temp agency.  They called this morning to cancel their contract because the last 2 girls they have sent over have been total flakes!  so my job is actually 2 fold.  Do well and save face, 2 things I am particularly good at.  If you want to see where I work, here is their website- http://academyselfdefense.com.