Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our Anniversary Celebration 2009 -- First Year down many more to come.

For our 1st wedding anniversary Dave and I decided to drive down the coast a little ways to Santa Cruz, and then loop back through Monterey to get back home.  for those of you that don't know, Santa Cruz and Monterey are 2 beach communities that share a bay south of San Francisco about an hour and a half.  
We had a lot of fun.  In Santa Cruz we walked the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, a standard fair type of boardwalk, with concession stands, rides, and arcades. As we walked, we decided that it is way more fun as a kid, and we probably will not go back until we have kids at the age that can enjoy it.  One major thing we noticed was that there is so much friggin' junk food there.  It's incredible! They have an entire stand dedicated to deep fried twinkies!  It's funny how you don't things, until you are trying not to notice then, because as a kid I don't remember every other booth being  full of junk food, but I sure do notice it now! And the smells, wow, it just reeked of sugary sweetness.  We only stayed there for about an hour, but before we left we did do one of those photo booth thingys, so we now have one of those strips of pictures that we can sock away somewhere and show our kids when they are like 10 what Mommy and Daddy were like before they became a bunch of fuddy-duddies.  
In Monterey we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the sea otters (my favorite aquatic creatures) were disappointingly boring but the river otters tried their very best to make it up to me.  Dave seemed to the most fascinated with the octopi.  In fact I kind of had to pull him away, just just kept looking at them going, that looks tasty (j/k, sort of...).  We left there about 4 to have a late lunch, and we found a cute little place on Fisherman's Wharf that suited out food plan.  We even asked when we got there if they had food we could eat and the head chef came out to talk to us.  We were sold, too bad we got such a crummy waiter though, otherwise I would have highly suggested the place.  The waiter didn't hear Dave when he said we will have 2 of the same thing, so he brought us one, and thought we were going to share it.  So I ate the first salad as Dave ate the first entree and then, when the second salad and entree came out, we switched! No major harm done, just annoying is all.  
We had walked from Cannery Row to Fisherman's Wharf (about a mile and a half on this cute little foot path). As we were walking there we were commenting on how nice a day it had turned out to be (though it was a bit chilly), and how we had really lucked out that the weather had held all day. And then, knock on wood here, we walked back to the car, a mile and a half, in the pouring down rain, in the dark.  
This was the greatest way I could have imagined spending my first anniversary with Prince Charming... seeing as I had never made any plans to celebrate at all.  It was just so nice to get away and spend the day holding hands and exploring.   

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