Friday, January 30, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Got to love your annual man.  Nothing like being violated 10 ways to Sunday to remind you that no guy has the right to bitch about "please turn your head and cough".  
I got poked, I got prodded and today, probably for the first time ever, when a doctor said, "you need to quit, now." I heard it.  I'm not quitting tomorrow, and the next day doesn't look good either... I will keep you posted.  Please, let me come to you. I just wanted you to know that for the first time, since the last time I said, I'm going to quit, and did... I am going to quit, and I am making a plan to quit, I'm picking a day (no, I'm not going to tell you what day, not right now), and I am going to give it a try. I even found a website (they really do have one for everything, don't they?)! 
The other thing was she is running about 19 thousand tests.  I had to go to the phlebotomist and everything! Nothing is wrong, she just wants to make sure that all of my chemicals are ok seeing as I have lost so much weight. She said that the whole no period thing for 3 months is to be expected with rapid weight-loss, especially as I lost so much between going off the pill and losing my period (4 months, about 45 lbs). 
Oh!! And when they weighed me, fully dressed and right after I finished my lunch(!) I was 167! That makes me like 162 naked and empty stomached!! WOOT!

(Dave isn't quitting right now, please don't hound him, he will in time...)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

House Addicts

Here we sit on a Saturday afternoon, not to say we haven't been doing stuff, but we have also been watching episode after episode of House because we DVR it and truly love it!
I have watched this one particular episode more than once and am so impressed with the quality of this show.  I know that sounds stupid, but there is so much junk on TV these days, and I think it's great.  
BUT there is one side-effect to loving doctor shows.  An actual study has been done on this, and you might find it fascinating.  Those who watch (and follow regularly) medical-themed shows have a higher rate of fearing doctors... does that sound familiar to you... THAT'S ME!!! I hate doctors, and I don't want to go (mostly because I fear that I will have some terrible, incurable ailment that with change the way I live my life for the rest of my life). I know that I have to, but... I think that I would rather be sick, and just get better on my own, than have someone tell me what they think is wrong with me.
I have a doctor's appointment on the 29th.  Joy.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Job #2

Hello everybody!
So, on Monday I went back to BN as a temporary employee at West Valley to help out with their internet orders and help get them ready for rush.
Then this morning I had an interview at a temp agency at 7:30 am! REALLY friggin early. And before I left I had my first assignment.  I am a receptionist/accounts/etc at a place called The Academy of Self Defense.  This place is so cool!  The are a fight school where they specialize in  Krav Maga and mixed martial arts.  My perk, free classes!  So cool. And the staff is so nice.  Biggest concern? I am there to save face for my temp agency.  They called this morning to cancel their contract because the last 2 girls they have sent over have been total flakes!  so my job is actually 2 fold.  Do well and save face, 2 things I am particularly good at.  If you want to see where I work, here is their website-