Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sharing a Blog that I read

One of my employees has a wonderful blogspot that has amazing recipes.
We use her recipe for potroast.


Taking On Our Lives

So this is to let everyone know what's going in our lives.  We are doing all of these major life changes all at once.  Firstly, we have taken on our weight.  We started a change of life program, based on the fundamental principles of Alcoholic Anonymous.  Together we have stopped eating flour and sugar completely and we weigh and measure all of our meals.  We also do not snack.  We began eating this way on April 21, 2008  and have lost 120 lbs.  We feel amazing and look fantastic!  We are so proud of ourselves.  
Secondly, we have decide to move back down to California next year.  What is available for us in doing this: Dave can complete his degree at San Jose State in 2 semesters, we can be by our family and support our grandparents, and we can get higher paying jobs.
Third, we are looking for new jobs!  There are no Barnes & Noble College jobs available in San Jose right now so I have the opportunity to go out and find something new and exciting that I never thought was possible.
Fourth, we are doing the Dave Ramsey's Total money makeover.  This is a program that coaches you on getting out and staying out of debt.  So far we have only set up a budget, but there are so many benefits that we are really excited about!  "Live like no one else, so later, you can life like no one else!"
Keep checking up on us and see what we are up to next!